Care For Torch
Torch Lake is awesome!
Clean, clear water
Caribbean blue colors
Spectacular sunsets
We know you want to enjoy the lake for many years (and generations) to come. So, we’ve put together a list of simple steps you can take to reduce the nutrients, sediments and toxins flowing into the lake and its streams.
Your choices will make a difference!
We’re here to help you care for Torch Lake and her Watershed.

What daily choices can you make to keep our water safe to drink?
- Pump Your Septic System Every 3 Years
- Use Water-friendly Cleaners
- Dispose of Medicines at Local Pharmacies
- Dispose of Household Hazardous Materials on Collection Days
- Recycle & Reuse
- Compost: Your Own Organic Fertilizer
Learn more in TRUE BLUE Living…

What lawn care practices can you change to keep Torch Lake clean, clear and blue?
- Keep a No Mow Zone
- Kick the Fertilizer Habit
- Build Healthy Soil for a Green Lawn
- Care for Lawns
- Water-Friendly Pesticides and Herbicides
Learn more in TRUE BLUE Lawns …

TRUE BLUE Landscaping
What natural landscaping projects can you do to keep our waters safe and clean?
- Restore our Up North Landscape
- Install Buffer Gardens
- Plant Trees
- Install Rain Gardens Near Perimeter Drains
- Install Pervious Driveways, Paths & Patios
- Plant Natives
- Remove Invasive Species
Learn more in TRUE BLUE Landscaping...
Help the Torch Conservation Center to conserve land and care for water in our Torch Lake Watershed.
Visit the TRUE BLUE Gallery
Fall Gallery Hours
Friday and Saturday 11am-4pm
Closing October 12 for the Season
9046 Helena Road
Downtown Alden, MI
Don't just wish that Torch Lake will stay blue.
Choose a water-friendly lifestyle - make a difference!