icon having fun

Having Fun


Playing on Torch Lake is a BLAST!
Wading, swimming, floating, tubing, waterskiing,
Wakeboarding, kneeboarding, boating, fishing,
paddleboarding, kayaking, canoeing, sailing,
sailboat racing or a sunset cruise…

We all love this gorgeous lake!
We all share a responsibility to care for her clear, blue waters.
As a community, let’s work together and Care for Torch Lake!

Torch Lake water temperature thermometer icon

July 15, 2024

What more is there to know about Torch Lake?

swimming icon


Stay within public beach boundaries.

kids jumping into lake

Photo: Lisa Powell

boat icon


Before entering Torch Lake,
Clean, Drain and Dry your boat.

kids jumping into lake

Photo: Clastron Boats


Watch the sky for storms.

kids jumping into lake

Photo: Marty Cash

fishing icon


Don’t dump bait in our lake.

fish caught on Torch Lake

Photo: Bob Robbins


Discovering the watershed is SURPRISING!
The Torch Lake Watershed may be small,
but there are plenty of opportunities
to get off the beaten path and explore.


Leave only footprints
Take only photos. 

backpack icon

Stargazing and More

Kindly respect private property.

Photo: Trish Narwold

Visit the TRUE BLUE Gallery

True Blue Gallery Alden, MI

Gallery Hours
Tue-Sat. 11-5
Occasional Sundays 12-3

9046 Helena Road
Downtown Alden, MI

Don't just wish that Torch Lake will stay blue.
Choose a water-friendly lifestyle - make a difference!