Americans are in love with their lawns.
Lawns are where we play and picnic.
Community acceptance comes with a neat green lawn.
To keep our lawns as green as our neighbors’, we fertilize and over-fertilize.
Our Choices Matter!
Now we can see the changes.
Adding toxic chemicals– fertilizers, pesticides, herbicides, fungicides– to our lawns pollutes Torch Lake.
Torch Lake is turning green.
Fertilizers make the grass and the lake grow greener.
Excess nutrients cause algae to grow on the bottom and rocks are slimy and the sandy bottom’s squishy.
Plus- our drinking water may now contain toxic chemicals.

Photo: Deanna Seifried

You can Care for Torch!
And it’s simple to do.
Just follow these Lake-friendly Lawn Tips:
- Keep a No Mow Zone
Create a barrier of deep-rooted plants between your lawn and the lake or creek
- Kick the Fertilizer Habit
Change the type and frequency of fertilizer on your lawn
- Build Healthy Soil for a Green Lawn
Turn the soil under your lawn from a sandy sieve to a water absorbent sponge
- Care for Lawns
Make little changes in your lawn care routine - Water-Friendly Pesticides and Herbicides
Keep toxins out of our water
Visit the TRUE BLUE Gallery
Fall Gallery Hours
Friday and Saturday 11am-4pm
Closing October 12 for the Season
9046 Helena Road
Downtown Alden, MI
Don't just wish that Torch Lake will stay blue.
Choose a water-friendly lifestyle - make a difference!