Having Fun!
Pick up bait from a local shop…
Use lead-free sinkers…
Buy a MI Fishing License…
Enjoy the blue waters of Torch Lake!
Fishing Safely!
Pick up a copy of the Michigan Fishing Guide.
Read the Michigan Rules & Regulations. If you want to fish for Musky, then you must have a Musky tag!
Switch to barbless hooks, single hooks and non-lead tackle.
Practice Catch & Release.
If you see a boat with downrigger fishing gear, Steer Clear! Lines can be 300 feet long.

Photo: Barb Lockrey
Fish Shelters
- 11 around the Torch Lake.
- Maintained by Three Lakes Association
Protect Your Family
Follow Michigan Eat Safe Fish Guidelines (.pdf)
Protect Torch Lake
STOP AQUATIC HITCHHIKERS before you come to Torch Lake!
Clean off all gear & equipment.
Drain all water from boat, motor, bilge, bladder tanks, live well and portable bait containers.
Dry everything for 5 days or more.
Dispose of unwanted bait, fish parts and packing materials in the trash; do not dump in the water or on land.
Catch a Big One!
Record Catches
Record Muskellunge
Kyle Anderson caught a record muskellunge in Torch Lake on September 27, 2009. The fish weighed 50 pounds, 8 ounces and was 55” long. Read the whole story.

Photo: David Rose
Record Atlantic Salmon
Tom Aufiero caught a record Atlantic salmon in Torch Lake on March 24, 2011. The fish weighed 26 pounds, 12 ounces.

Photo: Matt Supinski

Know the Law – Michigan Fishing Rules and Regulations
Know the Lake – Michigan Torch Lake Fishing Map
Don't just wish that Torch Lake will stay blue.
Choose a water-friendly lifestyle - make a difference!